Phoenix Abuse Attorney
Charged with Abuse in Phoenix?
There are several different types of abuse charges in Arizona law. Any abuse charge is serious, but some charges may result in years spent in prison you are convicted of the crime. If you have been charged with abuse, it is crucial that you contact a Phoenix abuse defense attorney to fight for your freedom. At the Law Offices of Randall J. Craig, the legal team assists clients with any of the following types of abuse charges:
- Child abuse
- Spousal abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Elder abuse
Abuse charges are often related to neglect or lack of proper care to a person, especially when the person has a special relationship with the person such as parent – child or nurse – patient. In cases of sexual abuse, these charges are related to sexual acts that are committed upon another person without their consent. If you have been charged with abuse and are concerned about your future, you have every reason to be worried. Abuse charges are serious, and you are facing a grueling experience dealing with law enforcement, the courts, and accusations against you that others, including your friends, co-workers and employer have access to. This can be a frightening experience, and one certainly would not want to face it alone. A skilled and experienced criminal defense attorney is necessary to your future if you have been charged with abuse.
Abuse Defense Attorney in Phoenix
At the Law Offices of Randall J. Craig, the legal team has successfully defended countless individuals in serious crime charges of all types. As a well-known and respected criminal defense law firm, this legal team will aggressively and relentless fight for clients that have been arrested and charged with abuse. Your case must be immediately reviewed and evaluated to determine how to move forward with your defense. A compelling and successful defense begins as soon as one is charged and prior to discussing any aspects of the crime with any investigator or law enforcement personnel. It is strongly advised that you contact the Law Offices of Randall J. Craig immediately after your arrest so that each step of your defense is carefully and completely planned.
Contact a Phoenix Abuse Defense Attorney from the Law Offices of Randall J. Craig if you have been charged with any type of abuse and are seeking a skilled criminal defense lawyer to aggressively fight on your behalf.